Chu Nom Download

Nom Keyboard for Smart Phones (Android)

If you have a smart phone with Android System you can now type Chu Nom on your mobile phone. Nom Keyboard is now available from the Play Store. It includes a Keyboard app and a Nom-enabled text editor.
Get Nom Keyboard from Google Play Store It is Free!


Web-App for iPhone, Android, and other mobile devices

The Web-App is optimized for offline use on mobile phones, i.e. iPhone, iPad, Android devices, and other devices with a HTML5-capable browser.

On Android and other devices with a HTML5-capable browser just open in the browser app. You need internet connection only the first time you load the page. The app is then cached and can be used offline.

On iPhone/iPad you can create an Icon to use it in Safari or you can create an icon on your homescreen:

  1. Open Safari
  2. Navigate to
  3. On iPhone: touch the 'plus' button at the bottom
  4. On iPad: touch the 'arrow' button on the toolbar
  5. Choose "Add to Homes Screen"
  6. Touch the "Add" button
  7. The Web-App is now on your home screen