
Random Character

sử - history
Welcome to chunom.org! This site is about Chữ Nôm, the ancient writing system of Vietnam. Use the search box to find information about a word or a character. Also try the online editor which allows you to type Chu Nom online.

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Start Learning Chu Nom!
Choose a grade to start with. The grades are sorted by frequency, so that you will be learning the most common characters in Grade 1 which covers about 35% of contemporary Vietnamese writing. With Grade 2 you can achieve about 60% coverage, and with Grade 3 it is about 75% with less than 500 characters.

Recent Changes

  • 10/18/2019 - IPA for northern and southern pronunciation added
  • 08/19/2017 - IDS data added
    Ideographic description sequences are now available for each character. All IDS data from https://github.com/cjkvi/cjkvi-ids.
  • 01/28/2017 - Phonetic annotation
    Pronunciations are now available as phonetic annotation, it can be used on flash cards for learning purposes.
  • 07/09/2015 - Handwriting on Mobile Devices
    The handwriting app now does work on smartphones and tablets, too.
  • 08/11/2014 - Type Chu Nom in Search Box
    You can now type Chu Nom in the search box. Use the number keys or click/touch on the character to select from the candidate list. This also works on android mobile devices.
  • 01/19/2014 - Radical Strokes Index
    You can now search by radical/strokes.
  • 12/18/2013 - Mobile Version of Online Editor
    On mobile phones you are now asked if you want to use the new mobile version of the online editor. It has fewer features but it allows basic writing of Nôm characters on mobile phones.
  • 12/12/2013 - Easier Compound Writing
    In the text fields it is now easier to write compounds. E.g. if you try to type "cảmơn" it does not become "camởn" as before. I had to hack into the awsome vietUni.js by nthachus.
  • 11/27/2013 - New Languages
    The website is now available with interfaces in Vietnamese and German. Additionally the Vietnamese interface exists in Latin script and in Nom-Script. Despite these changes the main language will remain English.
  • 11/27/2013 - Levels introduced
    As the number of characters on this site has increased I have introduced a level system. So the level pages are now smaller and load faster than the previous character index.
  • 11/24/2013 - New Frequency Data
    I have updated and improved the Frequency Data. The most frequent word is now "吧 " and not "羅 " as before. Some homonyms have been resolved to different frequencies instead of the same frequency for all characters with the same pronounciation. The frequency data is based on news articles of Vietnamese websites.

Page 2 of 3  New Dictionary Items

11/03/2019 𨢇 mass wine  rượu lễ
11/03/2019 𨢇 strong alcohol  rượu mạnh
11/03/2019 𨢇 to drink alcohol  uống rượu
11/03/2019 𨢇 liquor  rượu
09/08/2018 see 𡦂  chữ
03/16/2018 terrain  địa thế
03/16/2018 therefore, so  vì thế
03/16/2018 complexion, character; Terrain, Toplography  hình thế
03/16/2018 momentum, impetus  khí thế
03/03/2018 by any chance  vạn nhất
03/02/2018 to scream  la hét
03/02/2018 to scream, to cry  hét
03/02/2018 song  bài hát
03/02/2018 theatre  nhà hát
03/02/2018 to sing  hát
02/23/2018 article  bài báo
02/23/2018 task, exercise  bài làm
02/23/2018 poem  bài thơ
02/23/2018 lession  bài học
02/23/2018 lecture  bài
02/23/2018 woman  phụ nhân
02/23/2018 woman in childbirth  sản phụ
02/23/2018 young woman  thiếu phụ
02/22/2018 woman  phụ nữ
02/22/2018 wife, woman, married woman  phụ