Search Results for "a"
- a, à
- [prefix in people's name]
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Grade 3
nhiều - many; much; a lot of
Grade 1
cái - a; the; (numeral)
Grade 1
đầu - head; top (of a multitude)
Grade 2
mấy - (quite) a few, some; how many
Grade 1
phần - part, portion, piece (of a whole)
Grade 2
chữ - letter (of a script or alphabet); writing system, script; word
Grade 2
vài - some, several, quite a few
Grade 2
a - 【prefix in people's name】*
Grade 3
phạm - to violate, to offend, to commit (a crime)
Grade 3
hơi - steam, air, gas; a little bit, slightly
Grade 3
điều tra - to inquire, to survey, to take a consensus of
Grade 4
giải quyết - to resolve (a dispute), to settle (a difference)
Grade 4
kinh doanh - to carry on, to run (a business)
Grade 4
một vài - some, several, quite a few
Grade 4
tham quan - to go for a sightseeing
Grade 4
thất - 【to lose; to make a mistake】*
Grade 4
một lúc - a moment
Grade 4
ngày sau - in a distant future
Grade 4
đặt tên - to name, to give a name
Grade 4
bài báo - article (in a newspaper)
Grade 4
phần nào - to some extent, to a certain degree
Grade 4
đi ra - to step out, to leave (a room)
Grade 4
ăn cơm - to eat a meal
Grade 0
khu phố - quarter (of a city)
Grade 0
tra - to seek, to look up (in a dictionary); to investigate
Grade 0
ít nhiều - a little
Grade 0
nên người - to become a good person
Grade 0
một ít - a little bit, a tiny bit
Grade 0
dạy học - to teach (at a school)
Grade 0
chú thích - annotation, to annotate (a text)
Grade 0
một đôi - a few, some
Grade 0
nhìn chung - as a whole, all in all
Grade 0
thượng tuần - first ten days of a month
Grade 0
một hồi - a while
Grade 0
giữ chỗ - to occupy a seat
Grade 0
ít lâu - a little while, soon, shortly
Grade 0
giờ lâu - a long while
Grade 0
hồi lâu - a long while
Grade 0
từ lâu - in a long time, long-since
Grade 0
lên lớp - to give a lesson
Grade 0
đầy tháng - one month old (age of a baby)
Grade 0
đầy tuổi - one year old (age of a baby)
Grade 0
nãy - just (now), only just, a short while ago
Grade 0
A di đà Phật - Amitābha (name of a celestial Buddha)
Grade 0
một hơi - in one go, at a stretch
Grade 0
đọc sách - to read a book
Grade 0
kết duyên - to join in wedlock, to tie a knot
Grade 0
trúng số - to win (a lottery)
Grade 0
khi nãy - just a moment ago
Grade 0
ban nãy - just a short time ago
Grade 0
đánh bóng - to crosshatch, to shade (a painting)
Grade 0
nằm mê - to dream, to have a dream (while sleeping)
Grade 0
đệp duyên - to make a match between two people
Grade 0
khó nghĩ - to be at a loss
Grade 0
giáp chiến - to face each other in a battle
Grade 0
hậu đường - building at the back of a mansion
Grade 0
gây chiến - to provoke a war; to be a warmonger
Grade 0
gây chuyện - to be quarrelsome; to pick a quarrel (with sb.)
Grade 0
hợp doanh - to share a venture, to joint-venture, to cooperate
Grade 0
luận cứ - foundation (of a thesis), basis of argumentation
Grade 0
đội trưởng - leader of a working gang; leader of a group
Grade 0
khoa trưởng - dean, head of a university department
Grade 0
trưởng khoa - dean, head of a university department
Grade 0
thất trận - to loose a battle, to be defeated
Grade 0
hạ thuỷ - to launch (a ship)
Grade 0
đặt giá - to fix a price
Grade 0
ăn mừng - to celebrate with a feast
Grade 0
từng cái - one at a time, one by one, individually
Grade 0
xã luận - editorial (in a newspaper)
Grade 0
hạ mã - to dismount from a horse
Grade 0
mang tiếng - to suffer a bad reputation
Grade 0
đánh máy - to type (on a typewriter)
Grade 0
đỡ lời - to speak for (someone), to deliver a message
Grade 0
sang trang - to turn over a page
Grade 0
mất mùa - to have a poor crop
Grade 0
nhập cảnh - entry; entrance; to enter a country; to cross a country's border
Grade 0
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U+4E2B: 丫 - a
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