Search Results for "to"
- to
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Grade 3
của - of; to belong to; properties, belongings
Grade 1
có - there is; to have; sure, of course
Grade 1
được - to get; to obtain; to be able to
Grade 1
cho - to give; so that
Grade 1
ở - to be (somewhere); at; to live
Grade 1
về - to return; about; (back) to
Grade 1
để - to place; to set; to leave; to keep
Grade 1
đến - to arrive, to come
Grade 1
như - as; like; alike; similar to
Grade 1
phải - right; to have to; must; should
Grade 1
lại - also; to come; again, re-...
Grade 1
sẽ - to be going to; will; shall
Grade 1
làm - to do; to make
Grade 1
đi - to go, to walk; come on!
Grade 1
bị - to befall; (passive preposition)
Grade 1
bị - 【to prepare】*
Grade 1
theo - to follow; according to
Grade 1
nói - to speak; to say; to talk
Grade 1
lên - to rise; to ascend; to go up
Grade 1
sống - to live; alive; raw
Grade 1
nên - to ought to, shall; to become
Grade 1
thấy - to see; to feel
Grade 1
thành - to become; to change into
Grade 1
tới - to arrive, to come
Grade 2
qua - to cross; to pass
Grade 2
đầu - 【to throw, to fling, to send】*
Grade 2
viết - to write, to record; pen
Grade 2
tìm - to search, to look for
Grade 2
hội - to meet; meeting
Grade 2
muốn - to desire, to want, to wish
Grade 2
cuốn - to roll up, to curl up, to convolve
Grade 2
thế - to substitute; to replace
Grade 2
tổ chức - to organize
Grade 2
mang - to carry; to wear
Grade 2
thêm - to add, to increase; additional
Grade 2
bộ - 【to step, to walk】*
Grade 2
tranh - to compete, to fight
Grade 2
tin - to believe; news, information
Grade 2
xin - to beg; to ask for
Grade 2
quá - very; too (much); to exceed, to pass
Grade 2
yêu - 【to need, to require, to demand; necessary】*
Grade 2
chết - death; to die
Grade 2
giúp - to help, to assist
Grade 2
cho biết - to tell; to inform, to notify
Grade 2
học - to learn, to study
Grade 2
mất - to lose; lost; to die, to vanish
Grade 2
xuống - to descend; to go down
Grade 2
tính - to calculate; to plan
Grade 2
xem - to see, to observe
Grade 2
trang - 【to dress up, to make up】*
Grade 2
hết - to be over; to end; to expire; to be used up
Grade 2
nhận - to agree, to accept; to recognize
Grade 2
dùng - to use, to employ
Grade 2
trở - to turn, to change
Grade 2
kể - to tell; in relation to, with respect to
Grade 2
hồ - glue; to glue
Grade 2
cứ - to continue, to keep on; 【ground, base】*
Grade 2
báo - to report, to tell; newspaper
Grade 2
thích - 【to explain】*
Grade 2
thương - to be fond of, to love
Grade 2
gặp - to meet, to encounter
Grade 2
vẽ - to draw, to paint
Grade 2
ty - service, administration; 【to manage, to govern, to regulate】*
Grade 2
tạo - to create; to make; to form
Grade 2
cộng - to add (up); addition
Grade 2
thôi - to stop, no more; only, just; enough!
Grade 2
gây - to quarrel; to cause, to excite, to initiate
Grade 2
giải - to solve, to answer, to explain
Grade 2
giữ - to keep; to retain; to hold; to maintain
Grade 2
nhớ - to remember; to recall; to call in mind
Grade 2
hỏi - to ask; to question, to inquire
Grade 2
nằm - to lie down
Grade 2
thuộc - to belong to, subordinate of; to know by heart; to tan
Grade 2
chú - uncle; 【to focus, to concentrate】*
Grade 2
sang - to cross; to transfer; across, over
Grade 2
xuất bản - to publish
Grade 2
thi - to compete, to race, to take an examination
Grade 2
hiểu - to understand
Grade 2
nghiên cứu - to study; to examine
Grade 2
đặt - to order, to command; to invent
Grade 2
bình - 【to criticize】*
Grade 2
bỏ - to leave, to abandon, to neglect; to let, to put
Grade 2
bắt đầu - to begin, to start
Grade 2
phòng - 【to prevent】*
Grade 2
thực hiện - to realize, to carry out
Grade 2
khỏi - to escape, to prevent
Grade 2
cầu - 【to seek, to demand】*
Grade 2
trình - to submit, to show, to present
Grade 2
bảo - 【to protect, to safeguard】*
Grade 2
lập - to form, to establish, to set up
Grade 2
trái - left; to the left
Grade 2
sử dụng - to use, to utilize, to employ
Grade 2
thống - 【to unite; to control】*
Grade 2
du lịch - to travel
Grade 3
bước - step, pace; to step, to pace
Grade 3
chọn - to select, to choose
Grade 3
thị - 【to look, to see】*
Grade 3
thị - 【to show, to demonstrate】*
Grade 3
xây dựng - to build, to construct
Grade 3
chơi - to play, see 𨔈
Grade 3
liên - 【to connect】*
Grade 3
liên - 【to join, to associate】*
Grade 3
nhờ - to commission, to resort to; thanks to, owing to
Grade 3
gia - to increase, to add
Grade 3
phát triển - to develop, to grow, to expand
Grade 3
lo - to worry, to take care of
Grade 3
đội - to wear (on the head); team
Grade 3
tham gia - to take part, to attend
Grade 3
định - to intend to, to decide
Grade 3
cười - to laugh; to smile
Grade 3
tăng - to increase, to augment
Grade 3
nhóm - to group, to aggregate, to concentrate
Grade 3
coi - to look; to watch
Grade 3
hồi - 【to hesitate, to be irresolute】*
Grade 3
trả - to return, to pay back
Grade 3
đánh - to beat, to hit; to fight, to combat, to play
Grade 3
bác - 【extensive, comprehensive, wide, broad, rich; to gamble】*
Grade 3
quyết định - to decide; to resolve
Grade 3
truyền - to transmit, to propagate, to communicate
Grade 2
hoá - to become, to change, to transform
Grade 3
thay đổi - to change, to modify
Grade 3
xảy ra - to happen, to occur
Grade 3
chịu - to sustain, to accept, to bear, to stand
Grade 3
thông - 【clear, open; common; to communicate】*
Grade 3
bảo vệ - to protect, to preserve; bodyguard, guard
Grade 3
phạm - to violate, to offend, to commit (a crime)
Grade 3
tiếp - to continue, to proceed; to connect
Grade 3
chia sẻ - to share
Grade 3
trả lời - to answer, to reply, to respond
Grade 3
dịch - to translate, to decode
Grade 3
thông tin - information; to inform, to broadcast informations
Grade 3
tham - to be greedy, to crave something
Grade 3
tham - 【to take part, to attend】*
Grade 3
la - to shout, to cry
Grade 3
xuất hiện - to appear; appearance
Grade 3
thành công - to succeed
Grade 3
sợ - to fear, to be afraid
Grade 3
đem - to bring; to carry
Grade 3
chỉ - to show, to indicate, to instruct
Grade 3
chi - to spend money, to pay
Grade 3
trở lại - to return; to come back
Grade 3
cảm thấy - to feel
Grade 3
thay - to change, to replace
Grade 3
tức - angry, upset; 【to rest, to end, to cease】*
Grade 3
to - big, large, wide
Grade 3
dẫn - to conduct, to guide, to escort
Grade 3
bàn - table; to discuss
Grade 3
bàn - 【to transfer, to move】*
Grade 3
trở về - to return, to come back
Grade 3
liên quan - to concern so./sth.
Grade 3
ảnh hưởng - to influence; influence, effect, impact
Grade 3
dựng - to erect, to raise, to set up, to put up
Grade 3
dạy - to teach, to educate, to train
Grade 3
ngủ - to sleep, asleep
Grade 3
công bố - to publish, to proclaim
Grade 3
khóc - to cry, to weep, to shed tears
Grade 3
cứu - 【to examine, to investigate】*
Grade 3
trọng - to value, to respect; 【weight, heavy】*
Grade 2
đỡ - to support, to relieve; to hold up
Grade 3
bao - bag; to wrap, to bundle
Grade 3
yêu cầu - to require, to ask
Grade 3
làm cho - to cause sth., to provoke sth., to induce
Grade 3
trị - to cure, to treat; 【to regulate, to administer】*
Grade 3
kết - to tie, to knot
Grade 3
sản xuất - to produce, to manufacture
Grade 3
phát hiện - to discover; to excavate
Grade 3
còn lại - to remain; remaining, other
Grade 3
hạ - to lower, to set down, to take down
Grade 3
quan hệ - to concern, to affect, to correlate
Grade 3
phát - to deliver, to distribute, to issue
Grade 3
thử - to test, to try, to attempt
Grade 2
đánh giá - to rate (something or someone), to assess, to value
Grade 3
đàn - group of beings of the same kind, drove, flock, herd; to play on stringed instruments, stringed music instrument
Grade 3
gia tăng - to increase
Grade 3
giáo dục - to educate, education
Grade 3
cắt - to cut; to cut off
Grade 3
chia - to share; to divide, to split
Grade 3
tổ - group, team; to form, to organize
Grade 3
làm gì - what for; what to do
Grade 3
trở nên - to become, to turn
Grade 3
hợp - to fit; to join
Grade 4
chức - office; 【to organize】*
Grade 4
giao - to deliver, to hand over, to exchange; 【to communicate】*
Grade 4
đổi - to change, to exchange, to switch, to convert
Grade 4
cử - to raise; to elect
Grade 4
nhìn thấy - to see
Grade 4
điều tra - to inquire, to survey, to take a consensus of
Grade 4
lãnh - to receive; 【to lead】*
Grade 4
trương - (surname); 【to open up, to spread, to extend】*
Grade 2
tác - 【to make, to work, to compose】*
Grade 4
mê - to be fascinated; to loose consciousness, to faint
Grade 4
nhận ra - to recognize, to realize
Grade 4
để lại - to leave back; left over; to spare
Grade 4
nói chuyện - to talk
Grade 4
đi làm - to go to work
Grade 4
phụ - to help, to assist, to aid
Grade 4
thăng - to promote
Grade 0
đấu - to fight, to compete
Grade 4
tiếc - to regret, to be sorry, to grudge
Grade 4
phản - to betray, to be disloyal to
Grade 4
giải thích - to explain, to clarify
Grade 4
tìm hiểu - to learn (about sth.)
Grade 4
giáo - to teach, to educate
Grade 4
trí - 【to place, to set aside】*
Grade 4
qua đời - to pass away
Grade 4
trợ - 【to help, to assist】*
Grade 4
công nhận - to recognize, to accept, to accredit
Grade 4
nhập - to join, to enter; to import
Grade 4
năng - 【ability, capability, to be able to】*
Grade 4
giải quyết - to resolve (a dispute), to settle (a difference)
Grade 4
lựa chọn - to select, to choose
Grade 4
kêu - to call; to cry
Grade 4
ra đi - to leave, to go off
Grade 4
có vẻ - to seem, to look, to appear
Grade 4
kinh doanh - to carry on, to run (a business)
Grade 4
độc - 【to read; to pronounce】*
Grade 2
hỗ trợ - to help one another
Grade 4
phá - to break, to ruin, to destroy
Grade 0
đấu giá - to auction
Grade 4
dậy - to get up, to stand up
Grade 0
chế - to manufacture, to produce
Grade 4
chế - to prepare (medicine); to pour (water); 【to regulate; system】*
Grade 3
kêu gọi - to appeal, to call upon
Grade 4
để cho - so that, in order to
Grade 4
kết hợp - to combine, to coordinate
Grade 4
ra vào - to go in and out
Grade 4
trưởng thành - to grow up; mature
Grade 4
ở lại - to remain, to stay
Grade 4
đi qua - to go across, to cross
Grade 4
tốt nghiệp - to graduate
Grade 4
xin lỗi - to beg for pardon; Excuse me! Sorry!
Grade 4
phản đối - to oppose, to object (to)
Grade 4
hưởng - 【to make noise; sound】*
Grade 4
phân - centimeter; to separate
Grade 2
dụng - to use, to employ
Grade 2
chiến đấu - to fight, to combat
Grade 4
phân biệt - to distinguish, to discern, to discriminate
Grade 4
hiểu biết - to know, to be familiar with
Grade 4
cạnh - 【to compete】*
Grade 4
tham quan - to go for a sightseeing
Grade 4
thất - 【to lose; to make a mistake】*
Grade 4
sinh sống - to live
Grade 4
xuất - 【to go out; to produce】*
Grade 4
cập - to land, to lay alongside; 【to reach, to arrive】*
Grade 4
toán - 【to count, to calculate, to plan】*
Grade 4
nhất định - to decide; determined; inevitable
Grade 4
đi bộ - to walk (on foot); to stroll
Grade 4
trúng - exactly, correct; to hit, to impact
Grade 2
dựa - to lean on; to stand against
Grade 4
bảo hiểm - insurance, to insure
Grade 4
luận - to debate, to discuss; essay
Grade 4
đấu tranh - to fight, to struggle for
Grade 4
thống nhất - united, to unite, to unify
Grade 4
chúc - to wish so. sth.
Grade 4
liên hệ - to contact (someone), to connect
Grade 4
triển - 【to open, to extend】*
Grade 4
kiện - item; case; matter; to sue
Grade 4
gặp nhau - to meet each other
Grade 4
dắt - to lead; to tow; to guide
Grade 4
học tập - to study, to learn
Grade 4
hồi âm - to reply
Grade 4
ăn uống - to eat and drink; food intake
Grade 4
dự kiến - to predict, to foresee, to anticipate
Grade 4
dựa trên - to found (sth.) on
Grade 4
đề cập - to mention something
Grade 4
chia tay - to say good bye; to go shares
Grade 4
nhớ lại - to reminisce
Grade 4
đặt tên - to name, to give a name
Grade 4
doanh - 【to manage; barracks, casern, encampment】*
Grade 4
đứng đầu - to head, to be at the head of
Grade 4
đổi mới - to innovate, to renovate
Grade 4
to lớn - big and tall; bulky; great
Grade 4
sứ - ambassador; 【envoy, ambassador; to make, to cause, to use】*
Grade 4
bình luận - to comment on
Grade 4
ngôn - 【speech; to speak】*
Grade 4
phần nào - to some extent, to a certain degree
Grade 4
hệ - 【to relate to, to connect】*
Grade 4
đi chơi - to go out; to be out
Grade 4
mở đầu - to initiate, to begin, to start
Grade 4
vệ - 【to guard, to protect】*
Grade 4
cạnh tranh - to compete
Grade 4
thích hợp - to fit, to suit, suitable
Grade 4
dự định - to project, to plan, to schedule
Grade 4
chấp - 【to execute; to grasp, to seize】*
Grade 4
cân - to weigh; scale, balance; weight; kilogram
Grade 4
học hành - to learn, to study
Grade 4
đi ra - to step out, to leave (a room)
Grade 4
đề xuất - to put forward (for discussion)
Grade 4
vấn - 【to ask, to inquire】*
Grade 0
ăn cơm - to eat a meal
Grade 0
thanh tra - to inspect, to investigate
Grade 0
bỏ qua - to leave well alone, to let pass unnoticed
Grade 0
đề phòng - to take precautions, to beware
Grade 0
chọn lựa - to select, to choose
Grade 0
bắt gặp - to run into someone, to come across so.
Grade 0
đến nơi - to arrive; to be about to do sth.
Grade 0
chào mừng - to welcome someone; in honor of
Grade 0
tưởng nhớ - to memorize
Grade 0
đứng lên - to stand up, rise
Grade 0
chấp hành - to implement, to execute, to carry out
Grade 0
tranh luận - to discuss, to debate vigorously
Grade 0
bảo trợ - to sponsor
Grade 0
tham khảo - to consult; consultation
Grade 0
tra - to seek, to look up (in a dictionary); to investigate
Grade 0
gia nhập - to adhere; to accede
Grade 0
sản - 【to give birth】*
Grade 0
tính toán - to calculate, to count
Grade 0
trang điểm - to beautify, to make up
Grade 0
chế tác - to invent, to create
Grade 0
chạy theo - to run after
Grade 0
chế tạo - to manufacture
Grade 0
quyết - to decide, to determine
Grade 0
cải cách - to reform, to innovate
Grade 0
nên người - to become a good person
Grade 0
áp - to press against, to oppress
Grade 0
khảo cứu - to study, to carry out scientific research
Grade 0
chúc mừng - to congratulate
Grade 0
chịu khó - to take pains
Grade 0
sống lại - to resurrect
Grade 0
nhận lời - to accept, to agree
Grade 0
dạy học - to teach (at a school)
Grade 0
nghĩ ra - to recall; to think sth. out
Grade 0
tổng kết - to sum up, to conclude; summary
Grade 0
hỏi thăm - to ask after, inquire about (someone)
Grade 0
chú thích - annotation, to annotate (a text)
Grade 0
nghe lời - to take someone's advice, to listen to someone
Grade 0
liên tưởng - to associate, to make associations
Grade 0
hét - to scream, to cry
Grade 2
đánh thức - to wake (someone)
Grade 0
thanh toán - to liquidate, to clear accounts
Grade 0
cải - to change, to alter, to reform, to correct
Grade 0
khảo - 【to verify, to test, to examine】*
Grade 0
đề cao - to heighten; to think highly of
Grade 0
đặt hàng - to place an order
Grade 0
gặp mặt - to meet (in person)
Grade 0
nghĩ lại - to reconsider, to change one's mind, to have second thoughts
Grade 0
đánh nhau - to fight, to battle (against each other)
Grade 0
bỏ chạy - to run away
Grade 0
chẳng cần - not to need
Grade 0
có chồng - to be married (woman)
Grade 0
sẻ - to divide, to share
Grade 0
một - 【to sink; to have not】*; also: number one (see 𠬠)
Grade 0
bảo lãnh - to act as guarantor for, to stand surety, to bail for
Grade 0
dự báo - forcast, to forcast
Grade 0
đình chỉ - to stop, suspend
Grade 0
cử hành - to celebrate, to host (an event)
Grade 0
chỉ dẫn - to direct, to instruct
Grade 0
lựa - to select, to choose
Grade 0
bỏ quên - to forget, to leave (somewhere)
Grade 0
hối hận - to repent; to rue
Grade 0
chỉ định - to appoint, to assign
Grade 0
đi vào - to enter, to go in
Grade 0
vói - to reach sth.
Grade 0
biết mặt - to know (someone) by sight
Grade 0
đọc sách - to read a book
Grade 0
đi làm việc - to go to work
Grade 0
tạo ra - to create
Grade 0
về nhà - to come home, to return home
Grade 0
đi theo - to follow, to go with so., to come with so.; to accompany
Grade 0
có quyền - to have the right to
Grade 0
cách làm - way to do (something)
Grade 0
xuất khẩu - export; to export
Grade 0
liên kết - to link, to connect
Grade 0
bàn luận - to discuss
Grade 0
giải nghĩa - to explain
Grade 0
cầu xin - to solicit, to ask for, to beg for
Grade 0
bảo toàn - to keep intact; conservation; integrity
Grade 0
liên hợp - union, association; to link, to join; to conjugate
Grade 0
ăn thử - to sample (food), to taste
Grade 0
phân chia - to divide
Grade 0
chú ý - to pay attention
Grade 0
cảm thương - to feel pity for
Grade 0
nhập cuộc - to be an insider, to take part in
Grade 0
sáng mắt - to see clearly, to realize
Grade 0
cải tổ - to reorganize
Grade 0
tham tài - to be greedy for gain, to be mercenary
Grade 0
tham chiến - to be at war, to wage war
Grade 0
khảo tra - to investigate
Grade 0
trị bệnh - to medicate, to cure
Grade 0
phạm pháp - to break the law
Grade 0
giúp đỡ - to help, to assist
Grade 0
đỡ đầu - to sponsor (someone), to support (someone)
Grade 0
đỡ lời - to speak for (someone), to deliver a message
Grade 0
định liệu - to make arrangements for
Grade 0
coi thương - to think little of
Grade 0
đấu đá - to struggle, to attack
Grade 0
đánh máy - to type (on a typewriter)
Grade 0
đánh động - to alert, to warn
Grade 0
thích ý - to be satisfied
Grade 0
giao hàng - to deliver goods
Grade 0
bàn giao - to transfer, to hand over
Grade 0
bàn ra - to dissuade (from doing something)
Grade 0
kể ra - in fact, to be fair
Grade 0
phân bố - to distribute, to dispose
Grade 0
bố trận - to dispose troops in battle formation
Grade 0
ra trận - to go to the front
Grade 0
thất trận - to loose a battle, to be defeated
Grade 0
phòng bị - to take precautions against
Grade 0
chơi chữ - to play on words; wordplay
Grade 0
nói chơi - to joke, to be kidding
Grade 0
chạy bộ - to run, to walk, to do jogging
Grade 0
đầu cơ - to speculate
Grade 0
gọi cửa - to knock at the door
Grade 0
nhớ nhà - homesick; to be sick for home
Grade 0
nhớ ra - to recall, to bring (something) to mind
Grade 0
nhớ thương - to grieve for
Grade 0
hối - to repent; to regret; to rue
Grade 0
hối tiếc - to repent, to regret
Grade 0
nhớ tiếc - to think with deep regret of
Grade 0
giữ ý - to be thoughtful
Grade 0
giữ lời - to keep one's word
Grade 0
đi chân - to walk, to stroll; to go barefoot
Grade 0
tải xuống - to download
Grade 0
ít có - to be rare to find, to be scarce
Grade 0
phát tiết - to appear, to display, to show up
Grade 0
nhập cảnh - entry; entrance; to enter a country; to cross a country's border
Grade 0
nhập khẩu - to import
Grade 0
nhập hội - to be admitted to an association
Grade 0
nhập nội - to introduce; to acclimatize, to naturalize
Grade 0
đẹp ý - to be pleasing, to content
Grade 0
đẹp lòng - to be satisfied, to be pleased
Grade 0
làm khách - to stand upon ceremony, to behave formally
Grade 0
ủi - to iron, press
Grade 0
phân loại - to classify; classification
Grade 0
tra cứu - to look up, to look through
Grade 0
hình thành - to take form, to shape
Grade 0
phía bắc - north, to the north
Grade 0
phía tây - west, to the west
Grade 0
phía nam - south, to the south
Grade 0
phía đông - east, to the east
Grade 0
quan tâm - to care about sth., to be interested in sth./so.
Grade 0
làm giấy - to certify sth. in writing
Grade 0
nhận biết - to realize, to recognize; to identify
Grade 0
nhận mặt - to identify, to reveal
Grade 0
mai một - to bury; to neglect
Grade 0
vui lòng - to be content, pleased, happy
Grade 0
phòng vệ - to defend, to protect; defence
Grade 0
thuộc lòng - (to know or learn something) by heart
Grade 0
học thuộc lòng - to memorize, to learn something by heart
Grade 0
giữ lòng - to take care of ones heart
Grade 0
giáp chiến - to face each other in a battle
Grade 0
giáp giới - to share the same border, to border
Grade 0
giáp mặt - face to face
Grade 0
tiếp giáp - to adjoin, to be contiguous
Grade 0
phần công - to allot, to assign
Grade 0
trả ơn - to thank so. (for sth.)
Grade 0
chỉ thị - to instruct; instructions
Grade 0
gây chiến - to provoke a war; to be a warmonger
Grade 0
gây chuyện - to be quarrelsome; to pick a quarrel (with sb.)
Grade 0
gây dựng - to found, to stablish
Grade 0
hợp doanh - to share a venture, to joint-venture, to cooperate
Grade 0
sinh trưởng - to grow up, to grow
Grade 0
vói tay - to reach (out) for sth., to strech out one's arm (for sth.)
Grade 0
vói tới - to reach sth.
Grade 0
kêu cầu - to pray for help (from higher levels)
Grade 0
kêu trời - to implore God, to beseech God, to pray for help
Grade 0
đi về - to go home
Grade 0
làm việc - to go to work, to work; working
Grade 0
dạy bảo - to elevate, to bring up
Grade 0
đi đi lại lại - to pace around, to go back and forth
Grade 0
ngon mắt - pleasant to the eye, appealing
Grade 0
giữ miệng - to be cautious in one's words, to hold one's tongue
Grade 0
ngủ ngon - to sleep well
Grade 0
đồng ý - to agree, to accord, to consent, to approve
Grade 0
chấp chính - to seize power, to assume power
Grade 0
bỏ mặc - to abandon
Grade 0
ngồi không - to idle away
Grade 0
hạ bút - set pen to paper
Grade 0
hạ cờ - to lower the flag
Grade 0
hạ giá - to lower the price; to debase
Grade 0
hạ mình - to condescend; to demean oneself
Grade 0
hạ thuỷ - to launch (a ship)
Grade 0
sinh hạ - to give birth to
Grade 0
khó nghĩ - to be at a loss
Grade 0
nghĩ bụng - to think to oneself
Grade 0
ăn mừng - to celebrate with a feast
Grade 0
mừng tuổi - to express new year's day wishes (for being one year older)
Grade 0
cầu chúc - to wish so. sth.
Grade 0
phụ đạo - to give extra-class help
Grade 0
phụ chú - to annotate
Grade 0
hạ mã - to dismount from a horse
Grade 0
đi nằm - to go to bed
Grade 0
nằm nơi - to be confined; to lie in
Grade 0
mang tiếng - to suffer a bad reputation
Grade 0
đem sang - to carry over
Grade 0
sang tên - to transfer
Grade 0
sang trang - to turn over a page
Grade 0
làm mùa - to make preparations for the crops
Grade 0
mất mùa - to have a poor crop
Grade 0
hồi lại - to turn back, to reverse
Grade 0
đặt giá - to fix a price
Grade 0
giữ chỗ - to occupy a seat
Grade 0
chắc chân - to be in stable position, to be firm
Grade 0
đi khỏi - to disappear, to vanish, to go away completely
Grade 0
hồi tưởng - to remember, to recall
Grade 0
hồi tưởng - to remember, to recall
Grade 0
lên lớp - to give a lesson
Grade 0
bán chịu - to sell on credit
Grade 0
chờ xem - to wait and see
Grade 0
luôn miệng - to talk incessantly
Grade 0
thám hiểm - to explore
Grade 0
chết đứng - to be thunderstruck, to be stunned
Grade 0
ăn sống - to eat raw (food)
Grade 0
làm xong - to finish, to finalize, to complete
Grade 0
nghe hơi - to know from hearsay
Grade 0
chẳng vừa - to be not much better either, no less terrible
Grade 0
vâng lời - to obey, to comply with
Grade 0
bắt lửa - to catch fire; to light
Grade 0
chứng dẫn - to produce evidence, to prove
Grade 0
dẫn đường - to show the way
Grade 0
dẫn chứng - to cite, to quote
Grade 0
dẫn giải - to insert glosses, add marginal notes
Grade 0
trúng số - to win (a lottery)
Grade 0
đá bóng - to play football (soccer)
Grade 0
đánh bóng - to polish
Grade 0
đánh bóng - to crosshatch, to shade (a painting)
Grade 0
chỉ giáo - to counsel, to educate
Grade 0
chỉ nam - to guide; guide (book)
Grade 0
chỉ - 【to stop; to detain】*
Grade 0
chỉ điểm - to pinpoint, to inform, to indicate
Grade 0
cuốn lên - to roll up, to curl up
Grade 0
cuốn lại - to wind up, to spool, to coil
Grade 0
ngủ mê - to dream, to sleep deeply, to be dead to the world
Grade 0
nằm mê - to dream, to have a dream (while sleeping)
Grade 0
đệp duyên - to make a match between two people
Grade 0
kết duyên - to join in wedlock, to tie a knot
Grade 0
cầu duyên - to pray for good chances in love
Grade 0
mở đường - to pave the way for, to initiate
Grade 0
mở mặt - to be better off
Grade 0
mở miệng - to speak out, to pipe up
Grade 0
la hét - to scream
Grade 0
uống rượu - to drink alcohol
Grade 0
ở chung - to live together
Grade 0
ra vẻ - to pretend
Grade 0
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